This is a miracle (videopoem by Loli Molina)

Loli Molina is a charming and passionate singer songwriter that I just recently encountered online, thanks to the song ‘Eco’ that she performed with singer songwriter David Aguilar, from Mexico. Born in Buenos Aires in 1986, Molina is the only musician in her family. She began piano at age 6 and guitar at age 10, and studied for two years at the Buenos Aires Music School. After singing in some smaller ensembles, she began her solo career in 2007. She has 4 studio albums has won an MTV Award and been nominated several times for the Gardel Prize. She teaches guitar and is also dedicated to collage as an art practice. She has been based in Mexico for several years now. Her album Lo azul sobre mí was released in November 2019, but her tour of Latin America and Europe had to be suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can show your support by buying her songs on Bandcamp:

Below is my translation of a touching ‘videopoem‘ called ‘this is a miracle’ (esto es un milagro) that Molina created in 2017. She did all of the beautiful text, guitar and voice; the directing, filming and editing are by fellow musician and artist Hernan Hecht, from Mexico. I did the translation by respecting how Molina posted the lyrics in lower case in Spanish. The guitar starts at 0:35 (the first part of the video features the calming sound the surf).

esto es un milagro.
el mundo me duele contigo y también me duele sin ti. el mejor regalo que la tarde nos da es su paciencia, lento es que todo se levanta y los mensajes quedan escritos en las cosas que tocamos.
quién es capaz de asumir en un sólo gesto todo lo que cabe dentro de un corazón? quién duerme despierto soñando con el rezo silencioso de la montaña golpeando la puerta, haciendo temblar los árboles?
la escuchas cantar? la ves respirar?
entonces exhala. espera. entiende. estás llorando. estás hermosa. estás aquí.
dentro de unos miles de años será otra vez este día y todas las teorías sobre los números y mapas celestes serán como barcos de papel flotando en el agua del mar. deriva y dulzura, ese el dibujo de tu nombre en el oleaje.
recuerda siempre esta luz porque así es la foto del día en que todo cambió de color. huele a sal, tengo calor. aquí dejamos todo y no llevamos nada más. esto es un milagro y nunca nada será

this is a miracle.
the world hurts me with you and it also hurts me without you. the best gift that the afternoon gives us is her patience, slow is how everything stands up and the messages remain written in the things that we touch.
who is capable of accepting responsibility in just one gesture for everything that fits inside of a heart? who daydreams dreaming of the silent prayer of the mountain knocking on the door, making the trees tremble?
do you hear her sing? do you see her breathe?
then exhale. wait. understand. you are crying. you are beautiful. you are here.
in some thousands of years it will be this day once again and all the theories about numbers and celestial maps will be like paper boats floating in the ocean water. adrift and a [sweet] delight, that is the drawing of your name in the swell of the waves.
always remember this light because it is like the photo of the day on which everything changed colour. it smells like salt, i am hot. here we leave everything and we don’t take anything else. this is a miracle and nothing will ever be
the same.

Once again, here is the videopoem, which I believe was filmed on a beach in Mexico (though I am not sure).

Happy listening, and remember to explore more of Molina’s amazing work on Bandcamp and show support during this challenging period for musicians everywhere.

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